Navigating the 5G patent landscape
Mapping the road ahead
5G is poised to transform operations and industries across the globe in the next 15 years. In this fast-moving, high-investment context, telecommunications patent holders will seek to monetize their patents. Businesses that plan to adopt 5G technology will have to consider how to reduce their operational risk and cost exposure and consider a more proactive approach to managing 5G patents and licensing.
The adoption of 5G technology is expected to contribute up to $2 trillion to the global economy over the next 15 years. 5G connections will cover mobile devices as well as the entire Internet of Things across societies and businesses. 5G usage comes with a complex system around accessing and negotiating patent licenses and many business have yet to consider how to negotiate and operate in this complex patent environment.
Navigating the 5G patent landscape: Mapping the road ahead, examines the core considerations and important next steps that businesses should address as they embrace 5G technologies to help manage operational and financial risks and cost exposures while striving to maximize value.