Future of the Store

How digital innovation and 5G are driving the in-person shopping experience

Every aspect of our daily lives is being affected by digitalisation. While consumers can easily spend hours planning, scheduling, socialising and of course shopping on their phones and computers, the in-store retail experience has yet to catch up. But change is brewing. Recent digital innovations are modernising the in-store retail experience and driving big changes for in-person retail.

In this three-part article series, we explore the future of in-store experience and see how retailers can leverage emerging digital technologies to keep the show running.  Whatever tack they take, retailers need to ensure a fast, simple and seamless digital experience. Are you ready to step into the future of stores?

Emerging digital technologies are driving expectations of convenient, customized digital experiences and lightning-fast, always-on connectivity. The latest generation of digital technology has expanded beyond online shopping to shape the in-person retail experience. Smart displays, interactive kiosks, smart signage and even augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) product trials are being heavily invested in by retailers.

In this first article of the series, we look at how emerging technologies can improve the consumers’ and store employees’ experiences. Furthermore, we discuss how 5G has the potential to redefine and revolutionise the in-store experience. With the use of 5G technology, brick-and-mortar retailers can engage with their customers and provide them with seamless, personalised and immersive shopping experiences.

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