Enabling technology for integrated operations


Enabling technology for integrated operations

At a time when declining ore grades and operating efficiencies continue to challenge mining concerns, it has perhaps never been more important to make the right decision at the right time. For many mining companies, the perpetuation of organizational, functional and technological silos remains a key barrier to effectively and efficiently respond with the best action to optimize overall business value.

In this latest report from Deloitte in collaboration with NORCAT, we explore the impact of technology on the integrated operations (IO) journey, the value of IO and how to overcome the challenges that stand in the way of companies and their IO objectives. Enabling technology for integrated operations identifies three key challenges that mining companies may face when embedding technology as an enabler of IO and outlines how to address them.

  • Gaining stakeholder commitment – How can mining professionals create and sell a competitive value proposition to senior leadership?
  • Designing and implementing multiple technologies - What are the key challenges an organization faces when looking to integrate IO and how can they be best navigated?
  • Addressing business process and behavioral changes - How can IO impact the people, processes, workplace and technology within an organization?

In a world of ever-increasing operational complexity - in technological, organizational and environmental domains - the need to respond to complex change in timely, robust and enduring ways is more important than ever before.

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