
Mario Iacobacci, Ph.D.

Partner, Economic Advisory

Mario Iacobacci, Ph.D.

La Tour Deloitte

1190 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal




H3B 0M7

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Mario Iacobacci is a partner in Economic Advisory with Deloitte Canada. He has led a career at the intersection of economics, public policy, and business strategy. He has an international record of accomplishment in infrastructure economics, including cost-benefit analysis for the justification of publicly funded projects, infrastructure funding, and mode choice behavioural modelling.

Mario has over 25 years of experience at board and executive levels with clients in North America and Europe. He has advised public sector agencies, institutional investors, and corporate clients on multiple infrastructure projects in North America and Europe, covering all transportation modes including air, road, rail, public transit, highways, and freight rail. He also evaluated procurement policies and options, including public private partnerships (PPPs).

Mario holds a PhD in Economics from Cambridge University in the UK. Mario is also Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s Standing Committee on Freight Transportation Economics and Regulation and a member of the Transportation and Economic Development Committee.

Mario Iacobacci, Ph.D.