
The future of mobility: What's next?

Tomorrow’s mobility ecosystem—and how to succeed in it

The Report

In this report, we discuss what’s coming next and how companies can succeed in tomorrow’s mobility ecosystem. It aims to advance the collective thinking around answering the questions that might come up in the future of mobility. It extends our initial perspectives and incorporates new insights and analyses gained from an extensive and ongoing dialogue with most of the key players driving these changes. Ultimately, we hope this article provides a roadmap of sorts, helping stakeholders determine where to play and how to win.  

Viewpoints / key findings

Winning the future of mobility will require organizations to transform. While some stakeholders may find themselves naturally well positioned for certain opportunity spaces or value capture strategies, other will find themselves at a disadvantage. The key lies in understanding your capabilities against the emerging needs of the mobility ecosystem to decide where to play and how to win:

  • Building a strategy for the future of mobility. Any actor involved in the movement of people and goods should begin identifying now where it wants to play in the new mobility ecosystem.
  • Evaluate the potential impact. Each player should analyze how and by how much the future of mobility will impact its current business. The magnitude of the transformation is likely sizeable and while changes may seem distant, the timeframe for adoption could shrink. An analysis will give management a more empirical understanding and help build consensus around urgency.
  • Determine which role or roles you aspire to in the new mobility ecosystem. Amidst the ecosystem's complexity, we anticipate the emergence of distinct value creation roles. These roles are closely linked and will require collaboration to serve the customer. The car-centric extended automotive industry has become a customer-centric mobility ecosystem.
  • Assess how your current capabilities match those required for future success. Not all opportunities are created equal. Stakeholders must carefully examine their own capabilities against those required to succeed in their chosen role.
  • Evaluate competitive intensity, and be clear-eyed about how you stack up against incumbents in that space. You will not be alone in seeking to capture value in the new mobility ecosystem. Many players—both incumbents and disrupters—are already making moves to play.
  • Develop a roadmap to build the needed capabilities. Enterprise transformation rarely happens overnight and takes time and planning. Understanding the broader ecosystem and the required capabilities will help companies better lay out their path to success, whether that be through acquisition, partnership, or internal development.

Change is coming soon—and the extended automotive industry will have to rapidly adjust to rising consumer expectations. 

(English version)
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