11 Mar 2020
5 minute read
Rework employment arrangements to reflect next normal
Workforce & strategy: A priority for CEOs as they work with CHROs and CSOs to prepare and manage business continuity during crisis
Managing health and well-being during uncertain times:
Guidance for colleagues struggling with stress and anxiety
The measures taken to limit the spread of COVID-19 have caused many people to feel isolated from the people and places that mean the most to them. Physical distance can compound the effect of stress and anxiety on our state of mind. During this disruption to daily life it is important for people to prioritise their mental health as well as their physical health and to be supportive of colleagues who find the current situation challenging. As adjustments are made for working remotely, it is critical that workers include routines for taking care of their minds and bodies.
Topics covered in this article:
- Recognising that someone may be struggling
- Suggestions for supporting others
- Tips for improving physical and mental health, and for creating community