Building a more resilient business
To lead and thrive through times of change, you may need access to the latest resources, tools and ideas. Explore our thinking and guidance to help build organisational resilience, overcome current business challenges and be prepared for the disruptions of tomorrow.
Looking ahead: Global economic outlook for 2023
This month’s Economics Spotlight examines the 2023 outlook for 11 countries, amid several challenges such as record-high inflation, recessionary fears and labour shortages. Read the full report here.
In the wake of COVID-19 and widening geopolitical risks as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, companies around the world are optimizing their supply chains for resilience and efficiency. To really thrive, they also should focus on agility.
Tapping into the convergence of art and science can help improve everything from strategic planning to performance management, but how do you do so? Let’s go straight to the source. Here are five leadership lessons gleaned from a Renaissance master.
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