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The changing role of the chair

Board chairs have seen their roles rapidly expand in recent years, triggered by growing demand from a wide range of stakeholders for greater transparency and accountability. A new report just released, explores five key forces transforming the role and what it takes to be successful in this new environment.

The report, “Board effectiveness and the chair of the future: Five fundamental forces that define the modern chair’s role,” shares insights from more than 300 board chairs representing major listed companies and significant private firms around the world. Those interviewed discussed their current reality and their aspirations, and provided advice on how chairs can pivot during periods of challenge and upheaval triggered by current issues such as climate change, digital transformation, and addressing the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As part of this research, we interviewed a number of chairs from leading Irish companies to understand their perspectives on how they approached their role during a time of disruption and recovery; how they are addressing current and future challenges; and what advice they have for future director and chairs. This short thought leadership piece is designed to be read in conjunction with the wider global report and spark discussion around the changing nature of board roles from a uniquely Irish perspective. 

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