COP27 | 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference

COP27 | 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference

27 reasons to still connect with #COP27 post the event? ­ You only need one: we’re all in this together.

Connect with insights

World leaders united to accelerate climate action at #COP27. If you missed it, we’ve got you covered. Our event summary outlines everything you need to need to know, or watch our #ClimateExchange Livestreams with industry leaders covering all the key topics.

At Deloitte, we know that the decisions we make today will determine the quality of life for the generations that come after us. We believe that a sustainable future is entirely possible. But it will depend on global collaboration, communication and innovation.

Let’s make an impact that matters.



Learn more

Meet our Deloitte COP27 delegates

Global Audit & Assurance Sustainability and Climate Services Leader

Global Chief Sustainability Officer

Dr Pradeep Philip

Lead Partner for Deloitte Access Economics

Global Leader Climate Strategy

Global Sustainability Leader

Energy, Resources & Industrials Leader

Sustainability & Climate Change

NL Future of Energy Lead

Deloitte Middle East Sustainability Lead




Find us on the ground at COP27


From interviews to panels, roundtables to networking and more, come say hello to our Deloitte delegates and team in the Blue Zone. Join the climate conversation in person and explore our Resilience Hub.