How social sensing sheds light on customer behaviour in a pandemic

Tapping a direct line to consumers’ opinions and values becomes more vital in a world upended by COVID-19.

Customer behaviours are shifting fast and any business looking to thrive in these new circumstances needs to understand and respond to those trends - even when their evolution over weeks and months may be unpredictable. The social sensing tools that Heat + Deloitte Digital bring to bear provide a dynamic, real-time view of consumer sentiment.

Whether it’s shopping for groceries, taking an airplane flight or getting an education, life activities are being rethought with the simple goal of staying safe. Businesses see the changes and understand their importance—at least in broad strokes. But the new environment also mandates a pressing need for better intelligence about what customers are thinking. To thrive in a world forever changed by this pandemic, businesses need finger-on-the pulse data on consumer sentiments and trends.

Social sensing addresses that need. A direct line to consumers’ unvarnished opinions and deeply held values on social media is within grasp as effective new tools bring marketing organisations a trove of insights. Real-time intelligence from online conversations is serving an important role as businesses try to shift from reactive to proactive.

Heat + Deloitte Digital heard from marketers and brand managers, as the pandemic spread, that they were seeking dynamic information to help inform their decision making.

Download the point of view to learn more and read social sensing reports on key issues. 

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