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Future Trends for Legal Services
Future Trends for Legal Services is a research study commissioned by Deloitte Legal. Findings are based on 243 quantitative survey responses, and 30 qualitative, in-depth interviews, with in-house legal services purchasers, mainly occupying positions of CEOs, CFOs or General/Legal Counsel.
Key findings
In a growing market, purchasing patterns for legal services are changing. In-house teams are looking for pragmatic, industry specialists who are tech savvy and can offer more than traditional legal advice.
Research consisted of 243 web-based surveys and 30 long-form qualitative interviews. Data was collected between September 2015 and February 2016.
Key findings include:
- The market for legal services is moving and growing
- Purchasing patterns are changing
- Purchasers’ expectations of legal services providers are evolving
- Demand for alternative or non-traditional legal service providers is increasing
- Legal services buyers' wish list includes:
- Integrated cross-border advice beyond legal
- Use of technology
- Regulatory and global compliance advice
- Fixed fees, value pricing and greater transparency