Hydrogen opportunities for industrial products companies

Hydrogen opportunities for industrial products companies

Heat and power generation

How fast will the hydrogen market move? Our latest analysis identified nearly 300 industrial sites within 50 miles of planned hydrogen generation sites that could consider investing in hydrogen-ready technologies.

Pressure is growing on industrial companies to reduce their emissions. Most industrial facilities produce their own heat and power on site from fossil fuels, which need to be replaced by low-carbon sources. In many cases, hydrogen will be one of the limited options to decarbonise operations. Hydrogen may also play a role in power generation to support system flexibility.

The three scenarios in the UK’s Net Zero Strategy give us a glimpse of the possible pathways for meeting the 2050 target. All scenarios consider hydrogen as a key contributor to the UK energy mix in the next few decades.

It’s therefore time for industrial products companies to explore market opportunities in the industrial heat and power and power generation sectors and ask:

  • What hydrogen-ready equipment and services will be needed and when?
  • Will we be ready to supply these products to meet future demand?
  • What if the market develops faster than we expect?

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