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Dr. Mathias Hanten-Deutschland-Englisch

Dr. Mathias Hanten, M.B.L.-HSG (St. Gallen)

Partner | Lead Banking & Finance Law | Banking & Finance

Dr. Mathias Hanten heads the German service line Banking & Finance. He focuses on advice in financial services and regulatory law. His clients are institutions in Germany, EEA, and third countries.

With regard to regulatory law, Mathias deals with ownership control, licensing questions, European passport issues and matters with regard to SRM, SSM, CRD IV/V, AIFMD, AML, MiFID II and related matters. Mathias is a frequently recommended lawyer in banking law with JUVE.

He is a frequent lecturer at universities (especially Frankfurt, Freiburg, Tübingen, St. Gallen and Academy of European Law, Trier) and professional associations such as the Association of Foreign Banks in Germany. He is co-editor of the journal "Recht der Zahlungsdienste" (Law of Payment Services).