Global renewable energy trends

Solar and wind move from mainstream to preferred

Several market trends are driving renewable energy to become a mainstream energy form and a preferred source. Three “key enablers” propelling this upshot and empowering solar and wind to compete with conventional sources equally are—parity, integration, and technology. This implies that solar and wind can now beat conventional sources on price while matching their performance; their integration can help solve grid problems; and they are seizing leading technologies to get ahead of conventional sources.

As solar and wind power now come closest to meeting three key energy consumer priorities—cost-effectiveness, decarbonisation, and reliability—what role will they play in creating smart renewable cities?

This report from Deloitte Insights outlines the key global renewable energy trends that will transform the renewable energy landscape—and help companies seize opportunities, adapt to new circumstances, anticipate future changes, and identify new business opportunities.

Explore our report to learn how these top trends in renewable energy are set to impact the world in the year ahead.

Renewables (em)power smart cities

Wind and solar energy best enable the goals of people-centered smart cities
As cities expand and strive to become “smart,” solar and wind power can play a crucial role in helping them achieve their goals. Elaborating on the findings of our Global renewable energy trends report, this paper describes the concept of smart renewable cities (SRCs) and talks about the role renewables play in shaping smart cities.

Thinking bigger: Digital transformation in the power sector
By Felipe Requejo, Global Leader, Power & Utilities

In a recent survey of power executives conducted by Deloitte, a full 95 per cent agreed that digital transformation is a top strategic priority. That’s a pretty convincing stat. But are power companies taking full advantage of the opportunities that Industry 4.0 technologies offer?

Read the Linkedln blog

Utilities and renewables—Making smart cities smarter
By Marlene Motyka, Deloitte US and Global Renewable Energy Leader

Utilities play a critical role in empowering smart cities—as discussed in the Renewables (em)power smart cities report. In this blog, Marlene discusses how utilities and cities can work together in achieving smart renewable city (SRC) goals. How can the smart city-utility connection promote sustainable growth, optimize usage of energy and natural resources, and enable clean electric mobility? These are some of the aspects revealed in this blog.

Read the LinkedIn blog

Wind power has its moment─Pricing parity brings this clean energy to the forefront

By Troels Ellemose Lorentzen, Partner, Financial Advisory and Head, Valuation and Modelling, Denmark

Wind power is now competitive with conventional generation technologies across the top global markets. How did this happen? And more importantly, can wind power keep it up?

Read the full blog post.

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